Dominic Graham, born on September 23rd ,1981 in England,graduated from the University of Manchester, BA (hons) First Class in Drama and Screen Studies, and achieved a Masters Degree in Film Studies from the University of Nottingham.He has taught percussion in the UK, and English in South Korea. Books, music, and movies, which he looks forward to discussing in class, amongst many other topics。
多米尼克 格雷厄姆 ,1981年9月23日出生于英国。 英国曼彻斯特大学“戏剧影视研究”专业学士学位,诺丁汉大学"电影学”专业硕士学位。曾在英国担任乐器老师,在韩国担任英语外教一年。喜欢看书,音乐和电影,希望与学生分享共讨兴趣爱好及其他话题。